Nonprofit Games

Joining a Cause, Raising Funds, Coming Together and making a difference.

That's what it's all about. Beth Pisacreta will forever be in our hearts for the way she battled cancer like a true warrior. Trivia and Tunes coordinated a fundraiser that helped raise over $15,000 for Dana Farber in her name. Like we did for Beth, we will thoughtfully curate a Trivia & Tunes game that will not only be a good time for all who attend, but also raise awareness, donations, and ultimately bring our communities closer together.

Serving throughout Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, if you have a nonprofit event and are interested in a Trivia & Tunes Nonprofit Game, please reach out to one of our Team Members so that we can schedule your event.

Vin Pisacreta with his late wife Beth Pisacreta.

Reach Out To Our Team!

Be our next
Trivia & Tunes event!


Nonprofit Reviews